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Connect: How Do We Honor the Pillar of Connection at Opulence?

Welcome to the Opulent Blog.

Connection is number one out of our three pillars at Opulence and for an important reason. Connection is how we know we are being seen and understood. It is proof that we matter and that our voice is being heard. This is our goal at every single appointment at Opulence Wax Artistry. From our lengthy consultations to keeping up with important events in all of our client's lives, nothing takes precedence over delivering this personalized experience.

So why the Opulent Blog?

Why the Opulent Blog?

After long consideration of ways to bring together a community, I came to an idea that ties both Connect and Empower together: An Online Women Lead Book Club!

Every first of the month a suggestion box will be opened on our Instagram story (@Opulencewaxartistry) allowing all the women in our community to pitch their favorite books, ending in a vote.

At the end of the month, there will be a book debrief including my review posted here on this blog which will then be opened up as a public forum for all to share their perspectives!

It is my hope that through this exercise we will be able to make strong connections and participate in something that beautifies our minds.

When will this start?

Unfortunately, it takes a bit longer to put things into action than it does for me to come up with ideas. That being said I am aiming for August 1st to be the official vote for the first-ever book enjoyed by book club!

If you are as excited as I am about this new possible venture please feel free to subscribe to the blog so you can stay in the loop with all potential book club updates!

I can't wait to chat with you again!

Yesenia Shuman


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